WinMine Easter Eggs
  • Reveal Mines With your cursor inside the minesweeper window type "XYZZY" then press Shift-Enter and Enter. A white dot should appear in the upper-left corner of the screen. If it turns black, your cursor is resting on a mine. Note: This trick works best if your Windows background is black. Also note that code will not work in Windows 95 or Windows NT. Submitted by - Daniel Bayles (dbayles☻vax2.rain.gen.mo.us)
  • Sound Effects For sound effects, add the line "SOUND=3" to WINMINE.INI Submitted by - Austen (abde☻traveller.com)
  • Stop the Clock While playing, hold down the left and right mouse buttons and you should see a 3x3 square imprint on the board. Next hit the ESC key while holding down both mouse buttons, and the timer is stopped! Submitted by - Gerald Storer (gerald600☻yahoo.com)
    Concept & maintenance: ALiEN Assault cyb3rz3n☻narod.ru